Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Will Non-Citizen Votes Decide This Election?

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

Illegal aliens are prohibited from voting in a presidential election, under a Republican-sponsored law enacted in 1996 and codified at 18 U.S.C. § 611. But illegal aliens are not told that, and many are falsely misled by Democrats to think they can vote in federal elections.

On Sunday, Trump posted about Biden-Harris’s new lawsuit against Virginia on his social media platform Truth Social that “One of the Greatest Examples of DOJ Weaponization is the fact that they are suing Virginia to put ALL of the Illegal Voters, which were fully exposed and removed by the important work of Governor Glenn Youngkin, back on the Voter Rolls.”

Obviously, this was done so that they can CHEAT on the Election. So sad! What has happened to our once Great Country?” Trump added.

If merely one-tenth of 1% of illegal aliens cast a ballot in this election, it could illegally flip the outcome to Kamala Harris. That’s because she’s allowed 20 million new trespassers across our southern border, many of whom have settled in key battleground states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

Kamala Harris’s Department of Justice (DOJ) sued Virginia on October 11, and Alabama two weeks earlier, to block them from cleaning their election rolls of non-citizens. Some Leftist-controlled cities, particularly in deep-blue Maryland and Vermont, allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.

Foreigners who are here illegally will vote overwhelmingly for Kamala Harris, of course, because she provides them lavish benefits while Trump rightly pledges to deport them. Democrats falsely accuse Trump of supposedly subverting democracy, but it is Kamala Harris and her supporters who seek to rig this election by insisting that illegal aliens remain on the voter rolls despite the efforts of Republican-led states to attain voter integrity.

It is ironic that the same liberal-controlled DOJ that violated its traditional rule against bringing politicized prosecutions within 60 or 90 days of the election is now suing to prevent voter rolls from being corrected within 90 days of the election. It is appropriate and necessary to purge illegal voters from registrations during this Quiet Period, which Trump-haters have violated anyway with their own politically motivated court filings.

Federal law has made it nearly impossible for states to verify the citizenship of voter-registration applicants,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently said. “Although it is a crime for a non-citizen to register to vote, federal law restricts states from requiring proof of citizenship, and state agencies like those we lead have limited means to verify voter citizenship in many cases.”

The Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin pushes back on the recent lawsuit against him by the Biden-Harris DOJ, as he should. “With less than 30 days until the election, the Biden-Harris Department of Justice is filing an unprecedented lawsuit against me and the Commonwealth of Virginia, for appropriately enforcing a 2006 law signed by Democrat Tim Kaine that requires Virginia to remove noncitizens from the voter rolls.”

Early voting is already in full swing in Virginia, a state that is home to many liberal federal workers but also numerous veterans and solidly Republican rural regions. The tallies of how many have voted early there are so encouraging that Trump might even win this Commonwealth and its 13 Electoral College votes, which would be icing on the cake.

The northern Virginia suburbs of Arlington and Alexandria are dominated by federal workers, and Biden won these areas by more than 80% of the total vote. But the early voting in these suburbs is less than half of what it was in 2020.

Yet early voting is higher than in 2020 in western Virginia, which is Trump Country. This region is more like West Virginia, which Trump wins by 40 points, so the uptick in early voting reflects a particularly high enthusiasm among Trump voters.

Trump campaigned in Pennsylvania again Monday night, observing that “WE win Pennsylvania, WE win this Great Commonwealth, WE are going to win the whole ball game.” Harris is also spending nearly all of her time campaigning there, with far fewer appearances than Trump’s rallies, as both sides focus on this “Keystone State.”

Pennsylvania public schools have been hit hard by an influx of illegal aliens who cannot speak English. Under Biden-Harris, the number of English Language Learner (ELL) students needing expensive special instruction to learn for the first time how to read, write, and speak in English rose by almost 40% between the 2020-21 and 2023-24 school years, despite overall student enrollment declining.

One might wonder how millions who do not speak English are able to fill out their ballots. Philadelphia County, where Democrats rack up an enormous margin to overcome their losses in most Pennsylvania counties, prints its ballots in Spanish and Chinese, and assistance while voting is also allowed there.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Trump’s Bounce from Butler and Elon

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

Trump’s memorable rally on Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, where he survived an assassination attempt in July, cemented his full support by Elon Musk who has 200 million followers on his social platform X. Additional joint appearances are planned.

Musk was the only speaker introduced by Trump Saturday night, and Elon focused on voter registration. Musk likes to win as Trump does, and this election will be won or lost on the ground game.

Trump will appoint Musk to lead a new government efficiency commission, and both are not afraid to fire many workers to improve productivity. Musk reportedly fired 80% of the Leftist staff at X after taking over Twitter and changing its name.

Do we really need... whatever it is... 428 federal agencies?” Musk asked rhetorically in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson. “I think we should be able to get away with 99 agencies.”

The exuberant Musk jumped up and down with excitement upon taking the stage in Butler before 60,000-100,000 attendees, which the Secret Service absurdly estimated as only 20,000. Liberals are so furious at Musk’s cheerleading for Trump that they even criticized the height of his “vertical,” to which a conservative responded with a hilarious image of Musk leaping to block a Michael Jordan dunk.

If Americans do not elect Trump, then this will be “the last election. That’s my prediction,” Musk said, referring to the loss of freedom under a Kamala Harris administration.

Liberals are reeling in desperation at the prospect of Musk campaigning hard for Trump. A host on leftwing MSNBC blustered, “I will say that Elon Musk is perhaps the world’s leading spreader of disinformation, including outright lies about hurricane relief, about illegal immigrants.”

So now the world’s most successful CEO is branded as a conveyer of disinformation after endorsing Trump. Last week Musk was the leader in delivering relief to many victims of Hurricane Helene.

Musk tweeted Friday afternoon, “The level of belligerent government incompetence is staggering!!” He was responding to a report from his staff that the Biden-Harris Administration, through FEMA, was interfering with his company’s flights to provide relief to the hurricane-ravaged regions in the Southeast.

After Musk’s companies delivered many Starlink communication devices, FEMA began to “throttle” back helicopter flights by imposing cumbersome, unnecessary codes. This was a classic approach by D.C. liberals to obstruct private charity and free enterprise.

The federal government impedes private access, even by charity workers, to distressed areas so that the Biden-Harris Administration can control or spin the narrative. They want to censor images of how badly they have failed to help thousands of victims of this hurricane.

There are hundreds of reports of FEMA/FAA blocking flights. This literally just happened,” Elon Musk tweeted out on X for the world to see. “Still waiting … the helicopter is trying to land to deliver critical supplies,” Musk observed.

Enter Pete Buttigieg, a longtime Cabinet member of the Biden Administration and by now a master of how the Deep State tries to control nearly everything. He artfully responded, “No one is shutting down the airspace and FAA doesn’t block legitimate rescue and recovery flights.”

The trick was his use of the word “legitimate,” as his own Department of Transportation decides what is or is not “legitimate.” All rescue and recovery flights should be considered legitimate, including those that transmit images of failure embarrassing to Kamala Harris.

Eventually Mayor Pete ended the obstruction, for now, of Musk’s charitable work for the hurricane victims. But there never should have been any interference by the federal government with charity in the first place.

Appearing on “The View” on Tuesday, Kamala Harris was asked, “if anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?” Kamala responded, “There is not a thing that comes to mind.”

So it is fair game to criticize Kamala for all of the wrongdoings by the Biden Administration. That includes stifling censorship on social media by Biden-Harris, about which Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has apologized for caving into.

Musk “saved free speech,” Trump said while introducing him at the immense Butler rally. After excitedly leaping to the microphone, Musk then explained how important the First Amendment is.

Musk punctuated that with how we need the Second Amendment to protect the First Amendment. The vast crowd erupted in thunderous applause.

You must have free speech in order to have democracy. That’s why it’s the First Amendment, and the Second Amendment is there to ensure that we have the First Amendment,” Musk declared.

Liberals are alarmed not merely by Musk’s endorsement of Trump, which began when Trump rose with “Fight! Fight! Fight!” after having been shot in Butler in July. Liberals are panicked by what Musk is saying daily, and how it resonates so well with American voters in the swing states deciding this election.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Kamala’s Inflation Is Causing the Strike Wave

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

Early Tuesday 45,000 workers went on strike at our 36 major shipping ports from Maine to Texas, imposing estimated costs of $5 billion daily and causing a supply chain nightmare. This shuts down our enormous ports in Houston and near New York City, and is the first strike by the longshoremen’s union since 1977.

Inflation is the root cause of this devastating dockworkers’ strike, which is part of a new strike wave that includes the walkout at Boeing that has stretched into its third week and caused more than a billion dollars in harm. Inflation has sharply increased the cost of living and created uncertainty about the future value of the dollar, while wages have failed to keep up with rising costs.

Workers feel compelled to demand substantial salary increases merely to break even as the costs of daily necessities of life have soared. In negotiating long-term contracts, unions must factor in uncertainty about how bad inflation will become, which has pushed the annual increase in healthcare costs from 5% in 2021 to an estimated 8% by next year.

Look at Inflation destroying the World. NONE OF THIS HAPPENED WHILE I WAS PRESIDENT!” Trump posted on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday afternoon in dismay about multiple crises occurring under Kamala Harris, who cast the tie-breaking vote in enacting the Inflation Acceleration Act in 2022, misnamed the Inflation Reduction Act.

Reading from a teleprompter, Harris declared “I will work to pass the first-ever federal ban on price gauging on food.” Her gaffe in mispronouncing “price gouging” showed she had no understanding of what she was reciting, and her plan would result in shortages.

Meanwhile, Trump has been visiting the carnage wrought by Hurricane Helene in Georgia and North Carolina, where more than 140 have died from the storm and a reported 600 are missing. Biden was lounging at his vacation home refusing to do anything more than take a few phone calls, while Harris dined with liberal celebrities in Hollywood who hope to buy this election with lavish campaign contributions.

Oh, it’s good to be home!” gushed Kamala Harris Sunday afternoon to liberal billionaires in Los Angeles, while 1.7 million businesses and residents lost power in the Southeast from Hurricane Helene. Only after Trump shamed Biden did Sleepy Joe finally agree to visit the devastated regions.

A rebuilding effort will be needed in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene but that won’t be easy with all of our Eastern ports shut down by the recent strike. It won’t be cheap, either, with construction prices having risen sharply during the Biden Administration, and strikes causing more inflation.

Already surcharges have been slapped onto goods in anticipation of the closing of our Eastern and Southern shipping ports, and goods have been rerouted at additional expense to the West Coast. Shortages are expected.

Philadelphia, in battleground Pennsylvania that is expected to decide the upcoming presidential election, is a major port of entry being hit particularly hard by this shutdown. Produce is what comes through the Port of Philadelphia: vegetables and fruit, plus frozen meat, paper, and steel products.

Americans have already endured sticker shock on these goods, as Trump explained in detail during a press conference on August 15 at his summer home in Bedminster, New Jersey. Food prices have surged by 28% since 2019, with nearly all of those increases due to inflation under Kamala Harris and Biden.

Trump has gotten along well with unions his entire life while constructing high-rises in New York City, Chicago, and beyond. With union labor he built his magnificent hotel at 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., completed it ahead of schedule, and subsequently sold it at a profit.

Trump is supported by an overwhelming majority of Teamsters union workers as confirmed by a recent poll that its leaders published in September. The Teamsters bosses declined for the first time in nearly 30 years to endorse the Democrat nominee, Kamala Harris.

The strike wave of 1945-1946 resulted in the Republican landslide of historic proportions in the midterm elections that year. Then the Taft-Hartley Act was enacted to deal with costly strikes by authorizing the president to order a cooling-off period for negotiations, but Biden refuses to invoke it now in fear of a backlash by union voters.

A similar strike wave occurred in the 1970s, and contributed to runaway inflation that culminated in Jimmy Carter’s landslide defeat for reelection in 1980. The incumbent president in 1976, Gerald Ford, was likewise defeated when he ran for reelection.

As roughly half of our nation’s ocean shipping grinds to a halt now, the lack of leadership in the White House harms our Nation. As war continues in Ukraine and expands in the Middle East, this strike wave at home weakens our national strength.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Globalists’ War Against Trump

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

Only one man stands in the way of the globalist agenda: Donald Trump. Globalists are doing everything they can to prevent his return to the White House.

On Sunday, Ukraine’s Zelensky visited the large munitions plant in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where he was welcomed by Democrats Gov. Josh Shapiro and embattled Sen. Bob Casey Jr. Their implicit message is that sending more American-made arms to Ukraine, with permission to launch them deep inside Russia, would appeal to voters in this pivotal swing state.

In an interview published Sunday by The New Yorker magazine, Zelensky campaigned for the globalist-controlled Kamala Harris by improperly describing Trump’s VP as “too radical” for urging peace. JD Vance is the popular Senator from Ohio where many Ukrainian Americans reside, and Vance rightly speaks out against this senseless war as RFK Jr. and others have.

After sharply criticizing Trump and Vance – which should be considered an illegal foreign campaign contribution to Kamala Harris – Zelensky was flown at taxpayer expense to Scranton on a U.S. Air Force C-17A plane. Zelensky never mentions how many Ukrainians have really died in this futile war, which has inflicted over a million casualties and wanton destruction.

Globalists provided Zelensky with more security for his campaign stop in Pennsylvania than for Trump. The Deep State cares more about keeping Zelensky safely in power than about protecting Trump so that he can become president again.

Zelensky is not helping himself by picking sides in our presidential race, or by lashing out at Trump and Vance as early voting begins. Trump will be tougher now in forcing Zelensky to accept a peace deal that would include holding the free election that Zelensky canceled when he declared martial law.

Meanwhile Ryan Wesley Routh, the would-be assassin on Trump’s Florida golf course, sat undetected in nearby bushes all night and morning waiting for Trump to reach the adjacent hole. No one swept the course perimeter, which would have easily caught Routh without gunfire.

Routh considered himself to be a “global citizen” and even wrote a book about it. “ALL GLOBAL CITIZENS COME STAND WITH UKRAINIANS NOW!” his book shouted in an excerpt available on Amazon.com.

Who paid for this assassin’s travel from Hawaii to Ukraine and back, and then to South Florida? When the British newspaper Daily Mail interviewed Routh’s 35-year-old son, Oran Routh said his father told him he was at the beach, which the son assumed was in Hawaii, not Florida.

The DOJ released a handwritten letter addressed to “Dear World” in which Ryan Routh admits “This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.” Though grateful for the work of local law enforcement and the alert action by the Secret Service agent who shot at the would-be assassin, Trump properly criticized the meager charges that were filed against the wannabe killer.

The charges brought against the maniac assassin are a slap on the wrist,” Trump stated on Monday. “Florida charges would be much more serious than the ones the FBI has announced.”

The Secret Service does not lack adequate funding, as the House pretended when it voted unanimously to send them hundreds of millions of additional dollars even before the agency accounts for its failure to prevent Trump from being shot in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13. The real problem is that the Deep State hates and fears Trump, who should fire much of the D.C. elite upon returning to the White House.

The 741 self-described National Security Leaders who published a manifesto endorsing Kamala cited as one of their reasons that Trump would probably fire some of them if he takes office again. Biden and Harris have not fired a single person for more than 3.5 years, despite pervasive wrongdoing and gross incompetence as in their deadly pullout from Afghanistan.

At an overflow rally in Indiana, Pennsylvania, Trump explained how he kept peace in the world for four years as president. But war, not peace, is what the Deep State wants to justify its existence and engage in profiteering from arms sales and then construction projects afterward in the destroyed countries.

On Tuesday Biden delivered his final speech to the United Nations in promotion of the globalist ideology, mouthing words that were written for him to deliver. Biden pledged endless ongoing “support to help Ukraine win this war,” which is impossible.

In contrast, Trump explained to the crowd who packed the 6,000-seat arena in Indiana, Pennsylvania that the world is on fire because of Biden and Harris. They did nothing to prevent this war or the worsening one in the Middle East.

Globalists are pro-war because they enrich themselves from the weaponry sold and used, and from the rebuilding that follows. They picked Harris as their puppet to continue this agenda.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Election Integrity or Defund DC

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

Speaker Mike Johnson met with Trump for hours late Sunday afternoon, but it was not to discuss the second assassination attempt on Trump earlier that day. Johnson was surely there to talk about how the federal government will run out of money at 12:00 a.m. on October 1st, unless the GOP-majority House passes a Democrat-favored continuing resolution to keep the money flowing.

Last week Johnson declared that “Congress has a lot of responsibilities, but two primary obligations: responsibly fund the government and make sure that our elections are free and fair and secure, and that’s what we’re working on.” The need to ensure fair and secure elections is clear after what happened in 2020, but it is baffling why a conservative thinks there is a duty to continue funding the morally bankrupt and fiscally irresponsible federal government.

Although Johnson referred to the feds as “the” government, the most valuable governmental services are actually performed by state and local governments. More funding of the federal government has meant throwing good money after bad, such as sending hundreds of billions of dollars to continue endless bloodshed in Ukraine.

Funding the federal government has fueled the weaponized prosecutions of Trump and thousands of his supporters, locking many of them up for years under inhumane conditions in the “DC Gulag.” Continued funding of the federal government has meant more enforcement of onerous regulations that have choked off job growth in our country.

Notably, Trump did not announce that Johnson’s visit was productive, presumably because Trump does not have an enamored view of the D.C. elite as many congressmen and their spouses have. Trump has emphasized that he’d prefer to shut it all down if there is no provision for election integrity in continued funding, and he’s right.

If Republicans in the House, and Senate, don’t get absolute assurances on Election Security, THEY SHOULD, IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, GO FORWARD WITH A CONTINUING RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET,” Trump posted on Truth Social a few hours before his debate with Kalifornia Kamala Harris on September 10.


Most Republican congressmen agree with Trump, although some have grown to like the luxurious trappings of their positions in D.C., and want to extend that gravy train forever. Some falsely claim that a shutdown would hurt only Republicans in the upcoming election, when the opposite may be true.

Elon Musk, many on his popular platform X, and thousands of influencers on the internet are against unlimited federal spending. Most enlisted service members would support Trump despite a temporary interruption in their pay, which Trump would fully restore.

If Trump promises to restore back pay to everyone except civilian federal workers, cheers would be heard nationwide. Farmers and manufacturing workers in pivotal swing states would likely rejoice if D.C. bureaucrats and regulators were laid off.

Johnson’s initial plan for continued funding of the government failed last week amid opposition by more than a dozen Republicans, such that he could pass it only if he dropped election integrity to obtain Democrat support. Trump properly insists that election integrity be part of any continued funding, so Johnson would lose Trump's support if Johnson tries to pass a “clean” funding bill without it.

Called the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, the election integrity provision would require proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. Reports abound of illegal aliens registering to vote in multiple states, because most states make no effort to verify the citizenship of registered voters.

Without proof of citizenship, there is no meaningful enforcement preventing hordes of illegals from casting ballots, and thereby tilting the election results. Studies show that the Biden-Harris administration has been relocating the hundreds of thousands of Haitian migrants to predominantly Republican states, presumably in the hope of turning them to the Democrat side.

As a separate bill, the SAVE Act passed in the House in July. But Democrats in the Senate have refused to allow a vote on it.

Elon Musk repeatedly posts on X how this has been the Democrat strategy all along, to bring in millions of illegals so that they can eventually vote overwhelmingly for the Democrat Party. Now is the time to require election integrity as a part of any continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded.

Democrats were hopeful that Taylor Swift’s recent endorsement of her fellow “childless cat lady” would yield an enormous surge in voter registrations for the Democrats, but a new ABC/Ipsos poll suggests that her endorsement may have backfired. Meanwhile, a grassroots effort by @EarlyVoteAction continues to increase Republican voter registrations, and has sharply narrowed the gap that Democrats have long enjoyed in crucial Pennsylvania.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Dems Dump 20,000 Haitians on a Small Ohio Town

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

D.C. Democrats have figured out a new way to punish Trump Country, which is small-town America favoring Donald Trump for President. Overwhelm a small town of 56,000 Americans with 20,000 Haitian migrants, as Biden-Harris has done to Springfield, Ohio, and watch conflict develop.

The liberal media deny news about this, but videos of outrage by longtime residents have gone viral on X and TikTok. Most Haitians do not know how to drive, so car accidents in this small town have caused car insurance rates to skyrocket for everyone who lives there.

There are videos of residents complaining about pets disappearing, presumably taken for food by these migrants, who reportedly also decapitate ducks in the local park. Grocery store items are being opened up and consumed right off the shelves.

A 95-pound elderly woman testified at a public hearing, which is available on video, that “it is so unsafe. I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard, throwing trash in my front yard.” She and her husband feel they are being forced out of their home of 45 years.

Independent journalist Tyler Oliveira has posted many video interviews of Springfield residents on X, including one viewed 1.7 million times of a black veteran explaining how he’s been unable to obtain Medicaid while social services are overwhelmed by Haitian migrants. In another video showing an hours-long waiting line for benefits, an officer estimated that the ratio during the morning is 9-to-1 Haitians compared with locals.

Biden-Harris has lavishly funded these migrants, such that landlords evict American tenants to obtain higher rent from federally subsidized Haitians. On television, Kamala Harris took credit for extending the stay of 100,000 Haitians after their temporary protected status (TPS) expired.

Democrats see future voters for their party by bringing in these large numbers of Haitians and other third-world migrants. Added to the millions crossing over our southern border, this open border policy is to replenish the many voters fleeing Harris to vote for Trump.

Kamala Harris has not relocated all these Haitian migrants to a swing state such as Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, where the backlash could cost her the upcoming election. She also did not drop large numbers on a city such as New York or San Francisco, where liberals praise illegal aliens everywhere except in their own backyard.

Trump is on track to win Ohio by double digits, and no longer holds rallies there because his lead is so large. With Trump picking Ohio U.S. Senator JD Vance as his running mate, Harris has given up on the state and Democrats may feel this is a politically safe place for them to dump migrants.

At the videoed city commission meeting on August 27, a local black YouTube influencer Anthony Harris passionately decried that “these Haitians are running into trash cans. They’re running into buildings. They’re… flipping cars in the middle of the street.”

One car accident caused by a Haitian migrant in Springfield had particularly tragic consequences. On the first day of school last year, a 35-year-old Haitian national named Hermanio Joseph drove a minivan into oncoming traffic, forcing a school bus carrying 52 students off the road which killed one of its eleven-year-old passengers.

Twenty-three additional children were also injured, one severely. Joseph was subsequently convicted of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide, and sentenced to 9 to 13-and-a-half years in prison.

The Haitian migrant did not have a driver’s license, but had been given a state ID. It was an accident that resulted not from any intoxication, but from out-of-control immigration.

I have a 20-year-old granddaughter who works two jobs, pays city tax,” Lisa Hayes said at the Springfield public meeting. “She works two jobs, she’s pregnant; it took us four months to get Medicaid for that young lady.”

Meanwhile, Biden-Harris has resumed travel authorizations for migrant parolees under their mass parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV). This began 3 years ago when 12,000 Haitians appeared at Del Rio, Texas and camped under the international bridge, where horseback-riding U.S. Border Patrol agents were falsely condemned by Biden and Harris for brandishing whips on migrants.

Biden-Harris exploited this fake news to grant parole (amnesty) to 30,000 migrants every month from 4 countries – flying them wherever they like. Monday night on Fox, Bill Melugin said 205,000 Haitians have entered our country under the CHNV program, while Venezuelans admitted under this same program have recently terrorized the residents of an apartment building in Aurora, Colorado.

Months ago JD Vance publicly raised this issue of Biden-Harris harming Springfield residents by overwhelming them with migrants. Yet Kamala Harris continues to insist on her open border policy.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

San Francisco Shooting Highlights Kamala’s Policies

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

In broad daylight, the first-round draft pick of the San Francisco 49ers was shot in the chest Saturday afternoon by a teenage thief, and the star’s first words were “Am I gonna die?” Wide receiver Ricky Pearsall had been walking alone on a sidewalk near Union Square when a 17-year-old with a gun tried to steal his Rolex watch.

Once a fashionable shopping area like Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, Union Square has become seedy as Macy's, Nordstrom, and many other stores, boutiques, and restaurants have closed there. Pearsall was shopping after an autograph signing at the Cow Palace.

Video showed blood covering his upper body while he was helped into an ambulance. His mother subsequently posted on Facebook that the bullet miraculously missed vital organs and exited his body, declaring that “God shielded him.”

San Francisco authorities were immediately lenient to the shooter, concealing his identity and declaring that he would be charged merely in juvenile court. But it has been posted on X that he is a gang member who was caught with an illegal gun merely days earlier, and then released by California authorities.

Teenagers who commit even murders in California are typically back on the streets within a few years of becoming adults. By charging them only as juveniles, as this assailant will be, officials make them eligible for release in the near future.

Welcome to San Francisco, the once-golden city that has been ruined by the liberal policies of Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, and other Democrats. Rampant street crime, homelessness, and people defecating on public sidewalks have repelled so many tourists and conventions that the largest hotels in the city have been abandoned by their owners.

America has never elected a San Francisco liberal as president, and should not start now with Kamala Harris. In the second quarter of this year, office vacancy in San Francisco rose to a record 37%, which means that more than a third of the commercial space is empty.

Kamala Harris was the district attorney for San Francisco for seven years, and then the Attorney General for California for six years after that. Her statewide office was favorable towards two soft-on-crime ballot initiatives, Proposition 47 and 57, over opposition by police unions to the latter.

As the San Francisco District Attorney, Harris refused to seek the death penalty for the murder of police Officer Isaac Espinoza in 2004, despite how many Democrats including former San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein stated that capital punishment was warranted by the special circumstances of that case. Harris announced her decision of leniency for the cop-killer merely three days after the brutal murder of Officer Espinoza, before he was even buried and without speaking first to his widow.

The shocking murder of Officer Espinoza left their 3-year-old baby girl without a father. He had honorably served eight years with the San Francisco Police Department before he was gunned down in cold blood.

The president of the San Francisco Police Officers Association criticized Harris in an interview with CNN in 2019, questioning why she ruled out the death penalty so quickly. “What would her motives be to do this so soon after the death?” he asked, implying Harris’s political agenda.

Nicole Shanahan, the San Franciscan running mate of RFK Jr. who recently endorsed Trump, tweeted on Saturday that “crime here is spiraling out of control. People are nervous to walk downtown—even in broad daylight.”

We’ve got tech execs getting stabbed to death, an NFL first-rounder shot while shopping, and routine robberies, vehicle break-ins, and violent crime turning SF into a nightmare for families. Anyone claiming all is well is lying to you,” she added.

Yet this is where Kamala Harris was the top prosecutor when she sought prison sentences for petty marijuana violations while letting violent criminals go free. The epidemic of crime in San Francisco is the result of her policies, which have been continued by other liberals.

Shanahan has become a vocal California critic of Democrats, posting on her account highly effective videos against Kamala Harris. After she and RFK Jr. suspended their candidacy in favor of Trump, she observed that “Democrats spent millions on lawsuits to keep us off the ballots in states across the country.”

Now that we’ve suspended our campaign, they’re scrambling to keep us on the ballot. This is a party that truly believes in controlling the American voter and does not trust Americans to choose freely at the ballot box.”

San Francisco is ranked as the worst-run city in the United States, according to researchers at WalletHub. Photographs of the rampant vagrancy and maps of store closures there leave little doubt that it deserves this ignominious ranking.

This results from the liberal ideology that Democrats attempt to impose nationwide, with Kamala Harris. Americans should decline to put this in the White House.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Trump-RFK Jr. Alliance Brings Swing States to Trump

The Phyllis Schlafly Report
By John and Andy Schlafly

In another sign of a party realignment, the endorsement of Trump by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. brings many voters to the Republican side. It creates a coalition of the anti-war Left and conservatives who recognize that only Trump can end the war in Ukraine and restore peace through strength for our country.

Bobby and I will fight together to defeat the corrupt political establishment,” Trump declared to a full arena near Phoenix, which erupted in applause as RFK Jr. joined him on stage. RFK Jr. later told Tucker Carlson that he is joining Trump’s transition team to help pick who will be in the next Trump administration.

On Monday Trump honored the Gold Star families whose loved ones were killed during the ill-planned, chaotic withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan by the current administration three years ago when Kamala Harris admitted she was the “last person in the room.” The suicide bomber who took their lives was a prisoner released from Bagram Air Base less than two weeks prior, after Biden-Harris allowed the Taliban to take control of the Base.

Eleven of the 13 murdered Americans were aged 20 to 23. One of their family members told Fox News Digital that “the only person who has reached out to our family over and over again and to all 13 families is Trump,” and that he “is the only president who kept our men and women safe who were serving this country. We 100% support him.”

Not only has Biden-Harris failed to fully honor these American soldiers, but during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) Kamala Harris demonstrated her support for continuing to put our country in harm’s way in foreign wars, such as the one in Ukraine. She said just enough to please neocon warmongers, and some pro-war Republicans who supported Bush, Dick Cheney and Romney announced they support Harris.

In endorsing Trump, RFK Jr. said that “three great causes drove me to enter this race,” and “these are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party, and then as an Independent, and now throw my support to President Trump.”

RFK Jr. identified these three reasons as “the cause of free speech, “the war in Ukraine,” and “the war on our children.” These are grassroots conservative issues, which should bring all voters who care about them to the side of Trump.

RFK Jr.’s endorsement speech explained that he left the Democrat Party “last October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag, and Big Money.”

RFK Jr. added that when the Democrat Party “abandoned democracy by canceling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting President, I left the party to run as an independent. … In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic Party set itself to dismantling it.”

Lacking confidence that its candidate could win at the voting booth, the DNC waged continual legal warfare against both President Trump and myself [and] … deployed DNC-aligned judges to throw me — and other candidates — off the ballot and to throw President Trump in jail,” RFK Jr. stated. Democrats “ran a sham of a primary, rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden.”

The censorship of RFK Jr. by Biden-Harris extended to his postings on social media during the Covid pandemic. RFK Jr. was not allowed to intervene in the Murthy v. Missouri Supreme Court case against the Biden administration’s censorship, despite evidence of the White House causing censorship of RFK Jr. on social media, and a federal judge has just granted him standing to pursue his own claims.

While Democrats unfairly excluded RFK Jr. from the ballot in many states, on Monday Democrats lost their attempt to exclude the popular Green Party nominee from the ballot in the swing state of Wisconsin. In 2016, Jill Stein won more votes than the margin by which Hillary Clinton lost in that Badger State, and Kamala Harris could lose it now for the same reason.

Michigan refuses to allow RFK Jr. to withdraw from the ballot in that pivotal swing state, but that may also boost Trump. Muslim voters in Michigan are looking to cast a protest vote against the Biden-Harris administration, which the option of voting for RFK Jr. or pro-peace Jill Stein gives them.

RFK Jr.’s internal polling showed that his supporters prefer Trump over Harris. Election forecaster Realclearpolitics.com places Trump in the lead by 287-251 in its no-toss-up electoral map, by finding that Trump is ahead in Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

The Trump-RFK alliance sends a signal that in his second term, Trump won’t let another Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Deep Medical State impose their mandates again.

John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.

These columns are also posted on PhyllisSchlafly.com, pseagles.com, and Townhall.com.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Maher Defends Not Having Kids

Bill Maher is back on the air, in a rant about something some said 4 years ago:
it's cat 1:03 ladies. Vance says the country is being 1:07 run by them. in 2020 he said not having 1:10 kids makes people more sociopathic and 1:13 less mentally stable and the people who 1:15 are most deranged and most psychotic are 1:17 people who don't have kids. ...

it's 2024 and 1:35 you're still saying that people who 1:37 don't marry and raise kids are inferior 1:40 weirdos. thanks philis shafley. let me 1:42 check my beeper to see if 1993 1:46 called. you 1:50 know 1993 that's the year I went on the 1:53 air with my first show Politically 1:56 Incorrect and 2:02 and one of the themes that made that 2:05 show different and you know 2:08 incorrect was that the host was always 2:11 pushing back against the idea that 2:13 choosing to remain childless and single 2:15 your whole life was to say the least odd

So are people without kids less mentally stable? He never answers that.

The causality might go the other way, with crazy people less likely to marry and have kids.

Maher says he pays school taxes, and is offended by any suggestion that he is less virtuous. Now he feels vindicated by the millions of others who have decided to not have kids.

The problem here is that Maher, and many others like him, do not understand correlations. No one is saying that he should have kids.